Thursday, November 10, 2011

Christmas Family Tree

I can't believe that we are on the last 2 months of the year. Christmas is just around the corner which means, here I go again, frantic to come up with a design for my Christmas cards. Frantic, yes, as it is already mid-November and I don't even have a design concept yet. Most of these cards are being mailed abroad and snail mail just seems to be getting slower and slower every year :(.

While I'm trying to figure out my Christmas card design for this year, I'd like to share the wonderful Christmas project that I made for my family last year. I made a family tree using a very cute ornament design from the Silhouette store: 3d_photo_ornament_C00768_17986.

For those who are looking for a Christmas project, here is an idea for you.


  1. Outstanding Idea for people with extended families...

  2. What is the name of the shape that you used for the name plate portion at the top of the ornament? Love it!

  3. What a wonderful idea, and lovely ornaments. Thanks for sharing.

  4. You amaze me with all the creative things you come up with. I'd love to have the cutter file for this.

  5. Amazing! I would love the cut file for this -
